What are verbal skills?
The comprehension and fluent use of written speech constitutes a basic element of success of many professional fields.
A person's verbal skills reflect its general intelligence and their development guarantees at a great extent the attainment of organizational goals.
Due to pure talent, inborn inclination or systematic polish some people have developed more extensively their ability to approach verbal meanings and solve verbal tests than other people.
The evaluation of employees' verbal skills should become an essential part of both the recruitment and assessment procedures of all modern companies.
What are verbal skills?
Verbal skills refer to the extent to which a person can approach words, sentences, written texts verbs, adjectives, as well as, the extent to which he/she can comprehend meanings, produce synonyms and antonyms, know the meaning and use of words, complete sentences with words omitted based on the word context and have a critical view towards written speech.
These kinds of skills are partly inborn skills, in the sense that, each person has the his or her mother language inside him/her as a living organization and learns it-in a subconscious and non systematic way- every moment of his life through the interaction with other people and, partly, acquired skills, in the sense that, each of us has acquired some knowledge from official obligatory public education(school) in order to develop a common structure as a base upon which the language can develop in a dynamic way throughout our lives.
Verbal skills are not always interdependent to a person's educational level or grammatical knowledge but are a reflection of his/her verbal fluency and deeper comprehension of the language, the extent of which is each one's personal conquest.
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