What is self-esteem?

Its important the factor of self-esteem in the attainment of personal and team goals.

In fact very often high levels of self-esteem lead to the achievement of significant goals regardless of a person's low actual skills and, vice-versa, low levels of self-esteem lead to failure regardless of a person's high skills and hard work.

More specifically, research has shown that high levels of self-esteem is significantly correlated to a more rapid adjustment in the workplace, more effective cooperation, to better problem solving skills, endurance to stressful situations, and increased self-control under pushing situations, as well as to an ability to avoid mistakes and achieve high goals.

On the contrary, research has shown that low levels of self-esteem are significantly correlated to lack of initiatives, dysfunctional interpersonal working relations, turnover and failure.

The evaluation of the employees' level of self-esteem should become an essential part of both the recruitment and assessment procedures of all modern companies.

What is self-esteem?

Self-esteem is an essential part of human personality and refers to a person's faith in its skills and strengths. As a characteristic personality trait it evolves in time and fluctuates according to:

a) the person's goal achievement levels, b) his or her failures, c) the person's own view of the above.

There is a great amount of scientific research on the factor of self-esteem, which has been conducted in the past decade. The reason for that increased interest on self-esteem has to do with the fact that lack of self-esteem is correlated to some types of psychopathological behaviour (such as adjustment difficulties, neurosis, suicidal tendency, etc.), while, on the other hand, the enhancement of self-esteem leads to emotional euphoria and increase of life quality. At the same time, high levels of self-esteem are considered to lead to great professional success. All successful professionals have high self-esteem and all competitive companies count on professionals with high levels of self-esteem for the attainment of their objectives.



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