Personality Test - GalaPersonality Test

One of the most reliable and valid tests in the World for the evaluation of employees' personality. This test is the best worldwide instrument for the measurement of personality, which has been designed to be used in enterprises all over the world.

What is Gala Personality Test?
Personality Test

This test has been designed based on the theory of Big Five and attempts to trace and evaluate dimensions, folds and behaviours, which are placed among them.

What is more, the factors, which are evaluated by this test, concern the professional field in the sense that the evaluation of those characteristics takes place there, in order to check whether some of those affect and regulate adjustment ability, productivity or professional progress.

The test has been standardized for the population all over the world and has been proved to possess satisfactory psychometric qualities (reliability and validity). The results of the standardization process are already under publication in an accredited international scientific magazine.

How can Gala Self-Esteem Test be used?

This test can be used by the Human Resources Department of all companies all over the world both in the recruitment and the assessment process, as well as to making decisions about promotions.

The test's results may add depth to the conclusions of an interview and add value and validity to the evaluations that lie upon the human resources executives' personal judgements.

Statistical information of the Personality test-GalaPersonality Test

The test has been standardized using a worldwide sample of 2550 professionals of various professional fields allover the World.

The test possesses good psychometric qualities

More specifically, the internal consistency reliability (or alternatively known as the Kuder-Richardson formula) of the scale is:

Cronbach a = 0, 84

Spit-half reliability:
Guttman Split - half = 0, 81
Equal Length Spearman Brown = 0, 8132

What is more the internal consistency of the subscales is quite satisfactory:

  • Subscale 1: Boldness, a= 0, 69
  • Subscale 2: Responsibility, a= 0, 81
  • Subscale 3: Independence, a= 0, 77
  • Subscale 4: Spontaneity, a= 0, 72
  • Subscale 5: Self-respect, a= 0, 78
  • Subscale 6: Active/ Energy Levels, a= 0, 75
  • Subscale 7: Extraversion, a= 0, 64
  • Subscale 8: Aggressiveness, a= 0, 69
  • Subscale 9: Ambition, a= 0, 70
  • Subscale 10: critical/philosophical life attitude, a= 0, 65
The mean scores of the participants in the pilot study are as follows:
  • diagnose skills and weaknesses,
  • recruit new employees,
  • make decisions on promotions or layoffs,
  • evaluate job performance,
  • imprint organizational culture,
  • point out functional problems,
  • record the levels of job satisfaction, customer orientation or even the levels of job stress
  • X Boldness= 59,26/100 And the standard deviation is: SD= 9,137
  • X Responsibility= 68, 19 /100 And the standard deviation is: SD= 10, 15
  • X Independence = 66,36/100 And the standard deviation is: SD= 9, 59
  • X Spontaneity = 63,59/100 And the standard deviation is: SD= 9, 69
  • X Self-respect = 71,28/100 And the standard deviation is: SD= 9, 56
  • X Active/ Energy Levels = 70, 22/100 And the standard deviation is: SD= 9, 22
  • X Extraversion = 64, 47/100 And the standard deviation is: SD= 9, 35
  • X Aggressiveness = 50, 99/100 And the standard deviation is: SD= 9, 31
  • X Ambition = 69, 60/100 And the standard deviation is: SD= 9, 02
  • X critical/philosophical life attitude = 69, 30/100 And the standard deviation is: SD= 8, 43
Finally, the test possesses high criterion validity (r= 0, 74- 0, 83 **, statistically significant at the 0,01 level) using a self-evaluating item as criterion.



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